The Process of your Build

We are excited at the prospect of creating your dream home. Whether we design your remodel/renovation or you work with an architect, we will coordinate with you every step of the way to make sure your home is the exact space you are looking for.

First Meeting

Before any processes begin, we will meet with you either at the project site or at our office to discuss the broad details of your project.

Pre-Construction Contract

Following our initial meeting we will develop a pre-construction contract for your project, this contract explains fees: for design services if needed, and the fee for developing a detailed estimate.

Schematic Design

If you have hired a design professional or architect to design your remodel or renovation, we will all meet to discuss the initial designs. If you have chosen for us to complete your design services, we will meet to discuss the initial designs.

Design Development

We will begin the process of reviewing the design with you and your architect, if you have one. At this point we will begin to look at mechanical systems, wall assemblies, finishes and more detailed structural analysis.

Detailed Estimate

Once you have approved the final design, we will prepare a detailed estimate for your project. At this stage, we will also begin to develop construction documents, typically picking and choosing your appliances, material finishes, etc. All of these documents will be combined to create an overall proposal.

Contract and Pre-Construction

Once the final detailed estimate is completed, we will sign a construction contract laying out essential duties, responsibilities, and rights of all parties. Once signed, we will begin the permit process and the pre-construction phase.

The Build

Following the pre-construction phase, once all permits are obtained, and the initial deposit received, we will begin coordinating with all subcontractors and our employees to begin your project. Once construction, begins payment will be due either every two weeks or as your contract states.

Change Orders

During construction, it is inevitable for changes to have to be made, however changes will not be made simply because they are suggested. Changes must be completed through a change order via Co-Construct and they will affect the overall completion date and cost of the project.


When your project is complete, the project manager, or one of the officers of the company, will walk the job site with you and develop a “punch list” of any final items that need to be addressed. We will work on this punch list to make sure everything is completed to your satisfaction.

Your home is one of the biggest investments you will ever make.

We work with you to mitigate the risks associated with such an investment.

Potential Risks

Budget Overruns

Lack of job site safety and cleanliness

Poor-quality construction

Unreliable trade contractors

Schedule Overruns

Poor communication

Permit surpises

Clason Remodeling Solutions

Early cost planning with contingency costs

Experienced and trained staff operating organized sites

Training in building science, high-quality materials with a focus on craftsmanship

Long-standing field and financial relationships with trade contractors and subcontractors

Dedicated project managers and scheduling software

*Building in New England is always subject to weather delays.

CoConstruct Building software, weekly team meetings, frequent team follow up with client

Pre-permit research of your project